Fersam Agroindustrial invests, develops, and manages companies and projects related to the agroindustrial chain and new energies in Latin America.

The Agroindustrial business unit has roots that date back to the second half of the 20th century with the acquisition and management of agricultural and livestock operations in Latin America, which peaked at more than 1,000,000 hectares across Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay in the early 1990s.

In 2022, our strategy to become a leader in the agroindustrial sector in Latin America was established, leveraging our know-how, operational effectiveness, our connectedness across the value chain and the application of technologies.

In the last decade, the business focus expanded to include green energies and green chemistry as growth drivers that permit the reconciliation of superior financial returns with the attainment of sustainability goals.

We are in permanent search of relationships that allow us to promote the development of new projects.

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Divisions: agriculture, livestock, energy, agtech
